Thursday, June 5, 2014

Year-end PE blog post

This year, my fitness level has improved since the beginning of the year. I am almost always on time(with very few absences) and I always participate with each new thing we do. I always have my strip and only have forgotten it one time all year. I have improved quite a bit on the beep test. The first time we did it this year I only got 5.5 and the last time we did it I got an 7.2. Getting a 7 was a goal I had set for myself because I thought I was capable. On fitness days I usually try unless I don't feel well which happens very rarely. Sometimes I trick myself into thinking I'm tired when I could go for longer. I think I'm a good leader, if my friends aren't trying the best of my ability I try to motivate them. I think I should be motivating everyone in my class not just my group of friends. When class is almost over I don't always help to put everything away, I usually just put mine and my friends equipment away. I have room to improve still and I think I deserve an A and a G work habit mark this term because I have been very committed to staying active and healthy this year. Outside of school I do dance. I started early in the school year with 3 days a week and just recently this month its dropped to 1. This year my flexibility has increased tremendously. I got my splits on the ground and am working towards getting my leg extension/tilt even higher. Even when I'm not doing dance I still workout. I do an at home work out for abs. (Photo below of what I do) My new goal for the summer is to stay active(I am starting cheerleading in early July which takes a lot of strength, energy +flexibility.) and to eat much healthier. I wish I had done more blog posts this year but that is just another goal for me to achieve next year. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Work Habits Semester 2

Same as last semester, I have been showing up to class with few to no absenses. I come to every class with my gym strip. I am never late getting to the gym and show leadership to others during class. I think I deserve a G for my work habit mark. Something I am needing to improve on is trying harder on fitness days. My work habits are basically the same as my previous mark.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Semester-end Assessment

This semester in physical education I think I deserve and A and a G work habit mark. I think I deserve this because everyday I come to the gym prepared with my strip and a positive mindset. I am always supportive of my friends as well. I also believe that I have pushed myself on fitness days and improved my stamina. I am trying to eat healthier as well which will help my success of being fit.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Work Habits

Since the beginning of this year I have been showing up to class with very few absenses. I always come prepared with my gym strip and approriate clothing for the weather. I am also never late and bring positivity when coming to class. I think I deserve a G for my work habit mark. When I am not in school I still stay active. I dance for an hour and a half monday, tuesday, and wednesday every week. I feel like I still need to improve from last year which I am working on. I am trying to motivate myself to do the best of my ability.